Saturday, June 27, 2009


What does gardening or farming organically mean?
It means maintaining a fertile soil by applying nature’s own law for replenishing it - the addition and preservation of humus, using organic matter instead of chemical fertilizers.

What does the term “organic” mean?
Chemically organic describes any compound which contains carbon as an essential ingredient. Biologically organic describes any substance which is alive or that was once alive: plants, animals, humans.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

First Day of Summer

Well the non-stop rain and cool weather in June has certainly helped my broccoli and cauliflower. My tomato plants are not happy. They like it warm, sunny and dry.
Today's tip:
Let the soil around your tomato plants dry out completely between waterings, then saturate. You don't want to keep the roots constantly wet. Just like you wouldn't like to keep your feet in a bucket of water for weeks on end, your toes would look like prunes. Same with tomato roots. Water them well, then let them dry out for a few days.