Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ladybug Summer

As I was taking a walk this morning, a ladybug that had been flying around me for a while landed on my arm. After taking a moment to admire this unique looking bug, I made a wish and sent her on her merry way. As the weather become increasingly hotter, ladybugs will undoubtedly become more populous. Contrary to what many may think, ladybugs are not harmful; but rather beneficial to plants. Ladybugs are helpful insects that eat aphids, which in turn ARE harmful to plants, taking the rich nutrients away from their leaves. Ladybugs also eat soft bodied insects and plant mites, which are most commonly found on diverse species of flowers. So, the next time you see a ladybug in your garden, you should thank her for her services instead of shooing her away—it's never too late to turn over a new leaf and start helping your plants thrive in the summer sun!

“Two little Ladybugs flew around a flower, then crawled beneath a leaf to nap for half an hour!” -Anonymous

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